Hi Adam a discussion I would like you to have with Lance Roberts is on the services his firm offers. I have noticed the add on his web page for SimpleVisor with the opportunity to subscription .

Part of the conversation with Lance, is the price of the subscription and if it would be beneficial to someone in Australia.

Adam do you know of an Aussi Lance that I could engage as a financial Advisor.


Aussi Mick

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Hi Mick -- absolutely an Aussi can subscribe to the SimpleVisor service (just pick any US state when entering your credit card info) & use it to inform you own investing decisions. I'll ask Lance to summarize the service in an upcoming video. As for an Oz-based advisor, send an email to support@thoughtfulmoney.com and I'll send you the name of a like-minded firm that has reached out to me in the past (not an official endorsement on my part)

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Lance mentioned share buyback window streatching in to Feb-March. Is there a place to find this scedule? All I can find is a three week period before and week after earnings.



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The blackout window differs per company, but "unofficially, a company’s buyback blackout period generally lasts from the last two weeks of the quarter until after 48 hours it announces the quarter’s earnings results". Outside of that blackout window, buybacks are allowed.

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Thanks for the clarification, Adam. I'm glad I found your channel on YouTube and subscribed to your Sub Stack—great guests and moderation.

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Trying contacting the party directly to find out their schedule would be my suggestion.


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I was thinking there was a quarterly schedule watching the video. Lance's perspective must have been based on companies leading the market, after looking into it and Adam's clarification too for each companies window.

Thanks RT

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Thank you for the very kind words, Gary, and I look forward to watching this clip!

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Today, I watched your video with Lance Roberts and today's rant was a good one. You exhibit so much passion during these rants. I wanted to share this video with you. Attached is a link of Tucker Carlson's interview with Tony Robbins. They discuss the same topic as your rant was today. I wanted to share it with you. I look forward to your coming conference and the success you will enjoy. Congratulations on your passing your SEC security license, for it is one of the hardest to obtain. Gary Tucker


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