Jan 7Liked by Adam Taggart

Regarding the discussion at the end:

Many symptoms described, and many fragmented solutions to address each symptom but the root issue is:

Society + the communities that make up our society + the individuals that make up the communities are now oriented towards mal-adaptive goals. We reap what we sow.

From a secular view: we decided that god was too implausible to exist and failed at defining our own functional values.. The values/goals that society + individuals are currently aligned to are mal-adaptive. Society is clearly fraying, fragmenting, becoming polarized. Organic communities have been replaced by transiant, often online pseudo-communities that replaced them, but do not have the same adaptive atributes: Not only do we not have our neighbours back, or do significant business with them, or hold them accoutnable in certain cases... we don't even know who they are anymore other than that they live in our proximity.

From a christian view: we have clearly deviated from how God's tells us how to live. For those that are interested: how it all plays out time and time again is also detailed in the old testament

A note regarding depression and lack of motivation in youth, as I believe you and Lance did not bring this up: They look at the later stages of the debt fueled ponzi they are supposed to step into: be a debt slave, effectively taxed >50%, not being able to afford a home ($700k+ for a detatched home in a tier 2 city here in western canada with on a $50-60k sallary for a young professional), not being able to afford having a family.... and they logically and tragically want none of it.

So they choose to live the stereotype: Van Life/Ski Bum (which was called homelessness / living in a van down by the river 25 years ago) or opt to play video games and do legalized or subsidized drugs (western canada has a tax funded safe supply program in place) in their parents basement. It is played out as the archetypal story popularized by Peter Pan. Whom do the youth choose to be? Wendy whom left never land, grows up and has a family? Or Peter Pan, whom remains as a child forever, as king of the lost boys. I believe most are choosing the later.

As a parent that is trying to orient my kids towards a funcitonal adulthood in a degen society, I appreciate that you brought up this topic with Lance.

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Thanks for the earnest thoughts building on the discussion, Mark!

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Jan 7Liked by Adam Taggart

I think thoughtful money is doing precisely that - albeit without the fellowship and danish after service but hopefully you’ll solve that sometime down the line.

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Thanks, Joe!

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I feel the inclusion of a non financial advise to be very interesting and compelling. The ‘rant’ with Lance felt to me to Adam and Lance ‘being the change in the world.’ Very responsible and helpful. I was very moved by how non partisan the communication felt and cannot imagine the challenge of navigating the fragile eggshell feelings of many of today’s citizens. I deeply appreciate the responsible communication about over diagnosing of SSRI’s and other psychiatric medications. I wondered slightly why the business angle of big pharm marketing madness was not addressed - the purposeful building of a nation of life time customers for instance - but perhaps it’s too much a third rail? As far as building a non secular community

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