Thanks again, much appreciate.

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Hi Adam, I love your content. I have a request / suggestion. Considering that you are in the unique position to speak with some of the worlds best investors/ money managers/ economists etc, I think it would be a interesting idea if you could ask each one of them what an essential book was in their personal journey/ development. training etc. Then you could simply keep a compiled reading list on your substack that would perpetually grow. I like to read but the issue I have is being able to separate the wheat from the chaff so to speak when it comes to selecting reading material. There's too much garbage out there to have to sift through without some guidance. Anywho, food for thought. Cheers

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That's a great idea, Charles -- I'll start doing it!

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Awesome, thank you!

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Adam - I have been looking for a link to share an article I believe is relevant to your discussions on the bifurcation of wealth and decline in purchasing power for those without assets that appreciate. That article posted to our website today and I believe it illustrates a different way to illustrate what is happening. https://pillarsoftherepublic.com/our-monetary-half-life/

The concept of a half-life for the dollar is too complex to deal with in a note, but another way to illustrate the points you often make.

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