You will never work harder for someone like you will for yourself and you have been putting in the work for sure.

If half of Wealthion subs follow you here things should be pretty good.

Congrats again.

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Many thanks, David! I hope a lot of folks follow what I do from here, as I'll be creating a lot more of the type of content folks already seem to appreciate + new material that should be a value-add. Whatever happens, I will be working my hardest as you predict!!

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Oct 31, 2023Liked by Adam Taggart

Adam, I’m just a run of the mill commercial airline pilot. I started my career as a fighter pilot in the Navy many years ago. I have become super interested in macro economics when I ran across your channel not too long ago. I have branched out to other channels over time, but you were always my go to first stop. If I could do life over, I would have liked to follow in your footsteps... but at this point I’m just happy to find further challenge and meaning in life trying to follow the macro logic of what is happening. It’s so fascinating, and I owe you a debt of gratitude for starting my journey.

I’ll certainly follow your career wherever you go, people like you come into this world for a purpose, and you have been quite a vessel for channeling the truth whether you like it or not. Many thanks, my good brother and I am looking forward to your future of adding goodness into this crazy world, Lord knows it is needed!

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Wow -- I'm speechless, Brett. Thank you so much for those too-kind and moving words.

All I can say is:

1) I'll do my best to continue delivering the type of content you've come to expect from me (and raise the bar if possible)

2) Maybe we can do a work exchange? I'll train you to become a financial interviewer & you teach me how to become a badass pilot??


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Oct 31, 2023Liked by Adam Taggart

Hello Adam,

I was one of your first subscribers on Wealthion . There was not a single day where I did not watch your videos. For a Software engineer like me the world of finance was alien to me. With your inputs I was able to educate myself and make informed decisions like not buying a house in 2022 at top of the market or investing in Treasuries.When you explain things with analogies it was almost like a elder brother explaining things. You really have helped us to reduce the information asymmetry. It is yeoman's service what you are doing. .Please keep doing that . I will follow you anywhere you go. We are blood brothers.

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Nilesh -- feedback doesn't get any more wonderful than that. Thank you for those most kind words. I'm absolutely thrilled that my work may have helped you make more sound life decisions with your money. You've got my commitment that I'll keep working hard to be of similar value (or higher!) to you in the future.

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Oct 31, 2023Liked by Adam Taggart

I’m in shock!!! Wow! I’m a HUGE fan going back to your very early days. I totally support your decision, and will follow your new channel when it gets going, which I’m positive will be an even more massive success. You’re the Louis Rukeyser of our generation (boomer here!). And you don’t need PBS!

I’ve never used substack before, but you’ve provided me the impetus to learn about it. Thanks for everything you’ve done, and blazing new trails!

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Wow -- I certainly don't deserve the comparison to Louis Rukeyser, but I'll take it! Thank you for your support. I will work ever harder to earn it going forward!

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IDK, I am old enough to remember WSW and he was able to draw out the good stuff from his guests and that is what you have done so well. The format is different but the skill set is there.

He was the first network business reporter - at ABC I think - before his PBS tenure. He was definitely a pioneer in covering markets and investment.

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I had the same thought recently. Who on the alt financial internet has any weight, cachet, style, charm, credibility, humor, trust, like renowned impresario Louis Rukeyser on Wall Street Week? Adam Taggart.

An epic episode done just after the 1987 crash:

Part 1 shows the show opening and the monologue:


Here is a mini documentary and 30 year review by Rukeyser that was entertaining:


An old SNL parody back from the 1980's


What you learn from these old episodes is that some things never change. And from the documentary the intense work ethic that Rukeyser had.

May Adam forge ahead and further build a legendary style of his own. He has already established his cast of regular "elves."

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Oct 31, 2023Liked by Adam Taggart

Geez Adam, that was a shocker. Got to admit feeling a bit sad about wealthion with no MR Taggart. I was fortunate to stumble on to Wealthion at the beginning. The channel was the cornerstone of my playlist. Anyhow I’ve have no doubt that your new venture will be a huge success and I will tune in whenever it’s ready. Godspeed 🙌

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Thanks so much for the very kind words, Padraig, and I'm sorry for the surprise. It was VERY hard not to be able to talk about all that's been happening behind the scenes over the past few months. I'm glad you've subscribed here as I'll be using Substack to soon tell folks where to find my new material once it has launched.

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Oct 31, 2023Liked by Adam Taggart

substack is a great platform for the written word - but your great interviews; interaction and demeanor with your guests, the whole verbal scene will be missing . . . unless substack now has that covered as well.

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I think Substack is increasing the types of media that can run on the platform

But not to worry. In the future YouTube will remain the backbone of the interview I do.

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Oct 31, 2023Liked by Adam Taggart

Proud of you Adam! You know you have our full support! Let’s do this!!!

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Thanks, Team D!!

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Hi Adam, saw your latest Wealthion video about you leaving and wanted to congratulate you for your success! Will you still be having Saturday market commentary with Lance Roberts? Those were the best!

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I sure hope so! I haven't approached him yet, but recording those Recaps is the most enjoyable time of my week. I'd love for a weekly show with Lance to continue.

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I'm already missing them after the first week, some serious Cold Turkey! Please kick the weekly recaps back off with him asap. I've learnt so much watching the two of you, while at the same time being entertained. There's a unique chemistry between the two of you that's hard to come by. All the best. Cheers!

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Oct 31, 2023Liked by Adam Taggart

I have learned so much from your Wealthion interviews. Wishing you continued success in this new venture and look forward to more of your great interviews and market insights.

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Thank you, Dennis! I plan to be producing interviews (and other quality content) for you again very soon!

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Oct 31, 2023Liked by Adam Taggart

I so much appreciate all your work on Wealthion. I will follow your channel anywhere. I can't go a week without your financial stuff I have learned so much. TY

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Thank you, Carleen! I'll be back & running again soon. Stay tuned to this Substack and I'll let you know as soon as my new work has launched.

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I cannot wait to see you grow even bigger as an independent. I watched you from episode 1 and I know you will continue to add value to the everyday woman and man who needs access to great thinking and thinkers 🤙

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Many thanks, NYUGrad! I *am* very excited about what going independent opens up for future content creation. But I'm not going to overpromise -- I'll let the new work speak for itself. I'll be back in action soon with more of the deep-dive interviews folks appreciate, plus releasing additional types of content as we get into 2024. As each new offering becomes available, I'll let folks know here on Substack where to find it.

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Nov 2, 2023Liked by Adam Taggart

Adam, There is no way that I can type all that I want to say. I am the same age as you. I raised myself from 15 on. People talk about working their way through college, I worked my way through High School living in a Pinto Runabout… After the Corps I taught myself how to weld using Youtube videos to start and managed to become a welder for GE. While welding there back in 2015 or so I was always hearing many other employees talk about how GE stock was dumping… I realized that I knew nothing about the stock market and finance in general. So I bought a book on trading and told myself if I could teach myself to successfully weld then I can teach myself to successfully trade. And I have been doing that. My problem has not been blowing up my account lie many others talk of, it has been trading WAY too conservatively that I did not make as much money as I could have. All the same things that the others have pointed out I have learned from you as well. Housing at its highs, understanding how the entire money system works, All of the reasons that rates increase and decrease… its endless. Although I have much more to learn I am successfully becoming a swing trader. (Yes, I know that is not what your channel has been about) but because of your interviews I have stayed out of losing trades and entered into trades that succeeded that I never would have known about. Your weekly meeting with Lance has become my absolute will not miss interview. I know this is too long but I wanted you to know the wide range of folks that you are reaching. I could listen to almost all of the people that you have interviewed on many other channels like Real Vision and the like but there is only one place I could go to hear Adam Taggart and only one person interviews like you do sir. God Bless sir and I hope you KICK A$$ in this endeavor of yours!

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That is just a wonderful, humbling and inspiring comment to read, Rocky. Thank you so much for taking the time to write it. You give me too much credit; clearly you are a man of action, will and substance. You'll be a success regardless of what I say. That said, I so appreciate your support and encouragement and am working hard to get back in action asap (weeks, not months) because if I can be of service to people of worth like you, then what higher use of my time is there?

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Nov 1, 2023·edited Nov 1, 2023Liked by Adam Taggart

Courage is grace under pressure. Thank you for being courageous. Interviewing is your great gift. Keep interviewing the likes of Palmboy, Di Martino-Booth, Rule, MacLeod etc. and add the likes of Lobo Tiggre etc. then you will fly even higher. We're with you!

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Oct 31, 2023Liked by Adam Taggart

Congrats Adam! I've been following you since 'before Wealtheon' and always found your work to be exceptional. My wife started viewing Wealtheon as well and found the presentation Ashley did on relationships at one of your earlier conferences really insightful. I will certainly keep following you and am eager to see what comes next. The education and insight you provide is truly priceless.

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The kind words are vastly appreciated, Ralph. I'll keep the same high-quality material coming & strive to raise the bar even further. Wonderful to hear that your wife found value in the relationships discussion with Ashley -- perhaps I'll do more of those types of conversations, too (not just with Ash, but other experts, too) if folks have interest in that.

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Congratulations, Adam! I'm excited for what you build next.

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Thanks, Ken -- I'll work hard to deliver on those hopes!

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Oct 31, 2023Liked by Adam Taggart

I am looking forward to the future. After seeing the unbiased financial information I am welcoming the new beginning

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I appreciate the faith & support, Andy. I'll do my best to deliver for you!

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